COMBourse - Analyse graphique de l'actualite, des actions et des societes
Communication Officielle
Mercredi 09 mai 2018, 12h45  (il y a 71 mois)

FAURECIA : documents for the 29 May 2018 AGM


News release

Nanterre (France) May 9, 2018

Combined Shareholders' Meeting on May 29, 2018: availability of preparatory documents

Faurecia informs its shareholders that they are convened to the Combined Shareholders' Meeting to be held on Tuesday May 29, 2018 at 10:00 am (Paris time) at Pavillon d'Armenonville, Allée de Longchamp - Bois de Boulogne, 75116 Paris.

The agenda, the resolutions and information on how to participate and vote in this Meeting were published as a prior notice of meeting ("avis préalable") on APRIL GROUP 20, 2018 in the official French journal of mandatory legal notices ("BALO").

This notice is available on FAURECIA's website at:

in the section dedicated to the Shareholders' meeting of May 29, 2018 together with the documents and information regarding this Meeting as required by Article R.225-73-1 of the French Code of commerce.

The convening notice to this Meeting ("avis de convocation") is published in today's BALO and will be published in the Journal Spécial des Sociétés on May 12, 2018. This notice will be available on FAURECIA's website at:

in the section dedicated to the Shareholders' meeting of May 29, 2018.

From this convening notice and at the latest 5 days before the Meeting, holders of registered shares may ask Caceis Corporate Trust - Service Assemblées Générales Centralisées - 14, rue Rouget de Lisle, 92862 Issy-les-Moulineaux Cedex 9, France or FAURECIA to receive documents as referred to in Articles R.225-81 and R.225-83 of the French Code of commerce. For holders of bearer shares, this right is subject to the provision of a share ownership certificate.  

From the convening of the Meeting, shareholders may also consult documents as referred to in Articles L.225-115 and R.225-83 of the French Code of commerce at the headquarters of Faurecia.

Contacts Media
Eric Fohlen-Weill
Head of Corporate Communications
Tel: 33 (0)1 72 36 72 58
Marc Maillet
Vice-President Investor Relations
Tel: 33 (0)1 72 36 75 70

About Faurecia
Founded in 1997, FAURECIA has grown to become a major player in the global automotive industry. With 290 sites including 30 R&D centers and 109,000 employees in 35 countries, FAURECIA is now a global leader in its three areas of business: automotive seating, interior systems and clean mobility. FAURECIA has focused its technology strategy on providing solutions for smart life on board and sustainable mobility. In 2017, the Group posted total sales of €20.2 billion and value-added sales of €17.0 billion. FAURECIA is listed on the Euronext Paris stock exchange and is a component of the CAC Next 20 index. For more information, please visit

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