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Jeudi 27 février 2020, 09h00  (il y a 50 mois)

News Alert CAPGEMINI // La Commission européenne choisit CAPGEMINI Invent pour l’aider à renforcer la sécurité des écosystèmes industriels


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Florence Lièvre
Global PR Manager | Group Marketing & Communications

Capgemini Group | Paris
Tel.: 33 1 47 54 50 71
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Press contact:
Florence Lièvre
Tel.: 33 1 47 54 50 71

 European Commission awards a contract to CAPGEMINI Invent to support and strengthen industry ecosystems

Paris, February 27, 2020 – To address the cyber security challenges faced by different critical infrastructures in and across European Union members, a consortium led by Capgemini Invent, part of the Capgemini Group, has been awarded a contract by the European Commission - to strengthen industry ecosystems, by helping facilitate the set-up and further development of Information Sharing and Analysis Centers: ISACs.

The main scope of this new contract is to support the establishment and development of European sectoral ISACs and to promote coordination between them. This includes establishing and launching a cooperation platform, the facilitation of common procedures and standards, supporting the enhancement of ISAC maturity, and enabling the establishment of new ISACs in critical sectors. Led by CAPGEMINI Invent, this project is being executed by 5 providers, bringing together technical and social expertise through a network of key industry leaders. The partners in this consortium next to CAPGEMINI Invent are Intrasoft, DFN CERT, Spark Legal Network and TNO, all supported by the Dutch National Cyber Security Center.

Major European players in the fields of energy, finance, railway and aviation have already formed an ISAC. The project’s task is to support and further professionalize these ISACs, all in close cooperation with ENISA1 - building upon their great work performed in previous years. Potential other sectors envisioned for future ISACs include Europe’s industrial sectors and operators of essential services such as health, maritime, and water. The consortium parties involved will foster the right set-up for a sustainable ISAC.

Roeland de Koning, Principal Consultant public security at CAPGEMINI Invent and project coordinator of the project commented: “We have a strong consortium of organizations and experts, all well-known authorities in the field of ISACs.  To support our approach, they have clearly stated their commitment through a Letter of Intent. Most notable is the strong involvement of experts from the Dutch NCSC, European FI-ISAC and EE-ISAC, the only specialists who can speak from experience and share lessons learned for future European ISACs.”

Note to the editor
For more information about the European Commission’s open platforms to collaborate on cyber threats and more specific the cooperation between Europe’s industrial sectors and operators of essential services go to

About CAPGEMINI Invent

As the digital innovation, consulting and transformation brand of the CAPGEMINI Group, CAPGEMINI Invent helps CxOs envision and build what’s next for their organizations. Located in more than 30 offices and 25 creative studios around the world, its 7,000 strong TEAM combines strategy, technology, data science and creative design with deep industry expertise and insights, to develop new digital solutions and business models of the future. CAPGEMINI Invent is an integral part of CAPGEMINI, a global leader in consulting, technology services and digital transformation, CAPGEMINI is at the forefront of innovation to address the entire breadth of clients’ opportunities in the evolving world of cloud, digital and platforms. Building on its strong 50-year heritage and deep industry-specific expertise, CAPGEMINI enables organizations to realize their business ambitions through an array of services from strategy to operations. CAPGEMINI is driven by the conviction that the business value of technology comes from and through people. It is a multicultural company of almost 220,000 TEAM members in more than 40 countries. The Group reported 2019 global revenues of EUR 14.1 billion.
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1 European Agency for Cybersecurity:

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